5 Simple Tricks to Make Your Blog Posts More Valuable

5 Simple Tricks to Make Your Blog Posts More Valuable

People will read your blog only if they get real value from it. There's so much content on the Internet now (good and bad) that searchers need to choose what they'll read in their limited time. If your content doesn't provide the information they want visitors will leave and choose another blog or website to look that up.

Here are five simple tricks that will add more value to your blog content and the posts that you share. Pick at least one and try it when writing your next post or re-do a popular older piece. Tell us what you changed below in the comments, or if you have any other suggestions to make content more useful and valuable.

Give tips that put reading into practice.

You want to make it easy for your readers to implement what they are learning from your posts. Give them bonus tips, invite them to try your ways, fix their problems, These 'do-it' tips let people put what they read into practice, and see themselves taking real action toward improvement.

Link to useful content.

Whatever your niche, and no matter the type of posts your write, it's always valuable to include links to additional resources on your, or other people's blogs. Again, you want to make it easy for your readers to get more information if and when they need it.

Links to content on your site help lower your bounce rate and boost SEO. And, by linking to articles, videos, infographics, research on other people's blogs and websites you improve relationships with fellow bloggers, andshowcase your expertise on the matter.

Format your blog posts for easy reading.

People process information much easier when it's well-formatted, with proper paragraphs, subheadings, bolded important lines, lists and numbered points. We can also scan the content faster and easier when it's broken into sections, and go straight to the part that explains what we want to know.

Just watch and analyze how you behave as a searcher. You certainly won't choose reading a long boring text with not much formatting; at least not when there's other that is muchfriendlier to your eyes and brain.

Provide examples.

To help readers clarify and truly understand the concepts you're explaining you can give them specific and actual examples. Include a sample title if you're talking about types of headlines, or add screenshots,videos, quotes that help explain everything simpler and better.

Like the example images in the post '10 Essential Ingredients of a Great Blog Design'.

Tell readers what to do next.

Once people finish reading your post they'll need guidance on what to do next, or they'll bounce off. The end of a post is where you need your calls to action. You can link to other related posts on your blog (check theseWordPress plugins), encourage them to do something that benefits both of you, join your mailing list, visit the sales page, or drop a question andcomment.

Original Source: bloggerbabes.com

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