5 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes To Avoid In 2021

5 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes To Avoid In 2021

Have you ever been in a situation when you were out of desired results from your digital marketing campaign? You were not alone! Even the most experienced professionals face this phase where their digital marketing campaigns do not yield the desired objectives. Consequently, as per E-consultancy report, roughly 22 percent of the businesses are happy with conversion rate on their digital marketing campaigns. Also,HubSpots State of Inbound(2017) research shows that the largest marketing challenge for businesses is generating leads and conversions (as per sixty three percent of the marketers), and proving return on investment of marketing activities (as per forty percent of the leading marketers). That makes it important and the only way to attain desired results, generating leads for companies, and proving ROI for campaigns.

However, if we dig deeper and understand the reasons behind the failure of the most digital marketing strategies, we can clearly see number of simple but common mistakes that many businesses commit, which lead disappointments. Here in this post, Im going to identify top 5 marketing blunders that most of the companies make and how you can avoid them.

1. Not Setting Clear Goals

If we can think of one of the biggest marketing mistakes, then it surely is inappropriate planning. Most of the marketers make plans but dont evaluate them with clearer objectives, and key performance indicators. Writing such plans as wish list, many of the professionals argue that in order to ensure the success of marketing campaigns, its important to define target audience, short/long objectives, and set KPIs (form submission, calls or sign-ups etc.) after them, they set up analytics against those objectives.

2. Not Following KYC Principle

If we talk about the first rule of marketing, then it is KYCknow Your Customer. This is essential because of the understanding of demographics and psychographics of the target audience. Even if a brand is creating amazing content, it can still lose a number of opportunities if the marketing message is not in created and delivered with respect to the objectives, needs, demands, and psychographics. With the growing competition, its important to identify the niche or the exact target audience segment to ensure your marketing message gets noticed by the right audience. What you can do here is, identify and develop buyers personas. This will help you place tracking pixels and cookies, and narrow down the interests in the target selection, to ensure that your content and ads are reaching to the right people. And as per E-consultancy, a roughly twenty percent of the brands are happy with conversion rate on their digital marketing campaigns.

3. Not Putting Mobile First Not Just Responsive Design

Undeniably, smartphone is becoming the most dominant digital place that marketers use today.Over seventy percentof individuals own smartphones who consume sixty percent of digital marketing message on mobile. If your digital marketing campaign is missing smartphone platform, then its definitely an alarming stage. You can begin the process by learning how your target audience are getting interacted with the brand and its message. Make sure this is more than just making a mobile-friendly website. Not only it should be mobile responsive,but also deliverable across mobile channels.

4. Not Augmenting Online with Traditional

Before moving to other options, if we look at the bigger picture, more like on the strategic level, many marketers make a solo flight with digital channels. Not to mention, these techniques may work in some areas but surely not in all the industries. To analyze this, take an example of a customer of electronics product. The marketers tend to push it on the websites but rarely deliver the brand messages via traditional marketing channels. Like even the most popular traditional marketing platforms, such as creating events, print material, out of home (OOH) advertising, and television commercials. However, today, successful marketers tend to reinforce their brand message via offline tools as well. They use branding platforms that make their message more visible. For inspiration, suppose your goal is to gain more followers, then you might consider distributingbranded bindersat a conference, including social media platform on the back cover.

5. Doing Impersonal Marketing

Lastly, if I am to recommend the most vital platform for delivering brand message via digital platform, then itll be Personalization. By personalization, it means Customer-centric marketing. To elaborate this, your marketing messages should be enticing and tailored as per the buyers needs, likes/dislikes, and demographics. Today, many of the marketers take one message fits all approach, which does not go well with the existing and prospective customers, leading to failure of business objectives. On the other hand, if marketers personalize the brand message according to the prospects journey, they end up earning a considerably bigger amount of leads and conversions. Improper focus, lack of personalization, and miscalculated market positioning can lead to higher loses and end up making costly business decisions.

To Sum Up

There is a lot of buzz surrounding marketing channels like mobile and social. But, if you completely neglect email marketing, personalization and customizing message as per the buyers personas, you are in a big trouble. Making the use of social media and mobile platform is vital, no second thoughts, but making your message delivered across other marketing platform will be a mistake. Furthermore, if youre not setting KPIs, receiving feedback from sales, and measuring previous ROIs, you cannot set the next business targets. Just make sure to be better, smarter, and well-informed professional marketer with multiple platforms, and keep on improving every passing day, week, month, and year.

Author Bio:

Nancy Lamas is a social media expert who is concerned to latest social media strategies &affiliated with Singapore based digital marketing company to provide consultation to the beginners and experienced professionals as well.

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